Monday, September 30, 2019

Purpose of theory Essay

A theory can be explained as a given set of principles or statements used to give an explanation to an occurring phenomenon. Theories explain existing situations and can be used to develop solutions to identified problems within an organization especially when it has been tested for a number of times hence acceptable or producing evidence based results. A theory differs from a model in such a way that a model act as a representation of a given phenomena or the actual concept. A model can in this case be used to explain a given theory. Like a theory a model can be used to make predictions and to control a given situation. Scientific inquiry involves the use of systematic methods of collecting, analyzing and concluding data and in turn developing new inventions using scientifically gathered information or facts. The process involves the formulation of theories or hypothesis and effective experiments to test the formulated hypothesis. Naive inquiry on the other hand involves an informal collection, analysis and interpretation of data and does not necessarily include the application of critically thought ideas and skills. In this case a theory is explained using natural language. Scientific inquiry is likely to produce reliable and results or findings that can be used to find evidence based solutions to an existing problem. It makes use of collected evidence to test given ideas. Evidence based management requires the application of scientific inquiry as it involves the use of meta skills and critically thought approaches in the development of workable solutions (Judd, Kidder& Smith, 1991). Tested theories act as evidence and produce explanations for existing phenomena that can be used to develop new inventions which may act as control measures or solutions Reference Judd, C. , Smith, E. , Kidder, L. (1991). Research Methods in Social Relations, 6th ed. , New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Wal Mart

What are the potential effects of computerized scheduling on employee morale? The first one is that this gives more flexibility to the store managers. They can now work more effectively because the system favours productivity and customer satisfaction. Therefore from a managerial point of view, managers are more satisfied with the new system. However, the system generates a schedule that gives more flexibility to workers but less pay checks. Indeed, the workers are no more stable because their working schedule can fluctuate at any time. Therefore, job insecurity increases and the worker cannot feel at ease because he cannot plan his week.Besides, the irregular working hours put the workers in more difficulty in their social life. Moreover, the system gives opportunities for the managers not to give overtime or full-time wages to the workers. These ones will be tensed because they will need more working hours in other to put bread on the table in their households. We can assume that W al-Mart, being the company that gives the lowest wage rate in the US, people that work for this company need money in order to survive in society. So this system turns out to be not at all beneficial morally for the employees.Finally, we can assert that this system gives more power to the managers to fire employees who do not fit into the computerized system. Therefore, the level of employee satisfaction goes down. What are the consequences of these effects for Wal-Mart? The first consequence of this effect is that it gives very bad publicity to Wal-Mart. Indeed, Wal-Mart was known to be the company that gives the lowest wage rate in the US. Moreover, from a social point a view, it was observed that the workers were mainly people from the low class and were from Hispanic origin.So before the new computerized system, Wal-Mart was not a renowned company for its social ways of doing. Now, people will know that the company has given even more insecurity to its cheap labour. The second c onsequence is that the company might have more difficulties to find workers because people will know that the job insecurity has increased. For instance, a company like Walt Disney also gives a low level of wages but the firm gives social benefits (medical aid and social security). This company will therefore be more attractive although it has a computerized system to schedule the workers’ hours.Therefore, Wal-Mart will have competitive disadvantages to find cheap labour because they do not consider the worker’s point of view The last consequence is that from a legal point of view, the company has been criticized. Indeed, the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 says that workers cannot be used as an article of commerce. Therefore, people are now saying that the company is using its workers as objects. This goes against Human rights and it gives an awful image to the firm. This gives a lack of credibility to the company and shame to its shareholders. Wal Mart What are the potential effects of computerized scheduling on employee morale? The first one is that this gives more flexibility to the store managers. They can now work more effectively because the system favours productivity and customer satisfaction. Therefore from a managerial point of view, managers are more satisfied with the new system. However, the system generates a schedule that gives more flexibility to workers but less pay checks. Indeed, the workers are no more stable because their working schedule can fluctuate at any time. Therefore, job insecurity increases and the worker cannot feel at ease because he cannot plan his week.Besides, the irregular working hours put the workers in more difficulty in their social life. Moreover, the system gives opportunities for the managers not to give overtime or full-time wages to the workers. These ones will be tensed because they will need more working hours in other to put bread on the table in their households. We can assume that W al-Mart, being the company that gives the lowest wage rate in the US, people that work for this company need money in order to survive in society. So this system turns out to be not at all beneficial morally for the employees.Finally, we can assert that this system gives more power to the managers to fire employees who do not fit into the computerized system. Therefore, the level of employee satisfaction goes down. What are the consequences of these effects for Wal-Mart? The first consequence of this effect is that it gives very bad publicity to Wal-Mart. Indeed, Wal-Mart was known to be the company that gives the lowest wage rate in the US. Moreover, from a social point a view, it was observed that the workers were mainly people from the low class and were from Hispanic origin.So before the new computerized system, Wal-Mart was not a renowned company for its social ways of doing. Now, people will know that the company has given even more insecurity to its cheap labour. The second c onsequence is that the company might have more difficulties to find workers because people will know that the job insecurity has increased. For instance, a company like Walt Disney also gives a low level of wages but the firm gives social benefits (medical aid and social security). This company will therefore be more attractive although it has a computerized system to schedule the workers’ hours.Therefore, Wal-Mart will have competitive disadvantages to find cheap labour because they do not consider the worker’s point of view The last consequence is that from a legal point of view, the company has been criticized. Indeed, the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 says that workers cannot be used as an article of commerce. Therefore, people are now saying that the company is using its workers as objects. This goes against Human rights and it gives an awful image to the firm. This gives a lack of credibility to the company and shame to its shareholders.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Computerized Enrollment System Essay

Today, the progress of institutions is largely determined by the ability to make use of computer technology. Computerization is a conclusive evidence of the advancement in science and technology which task is to maximize its purpose, primarily in education. The converting of manual to automated system is one best alternative to carry out manually workloads such as keeping records, computations, and retrieving information in the shortest possible. In the global village of the new economy, larger automation companies have little option- they must find more ways and means to expand worldwide. To do this they need to minimize domination of the central corporate culture, and maximize responsiveness to local customer needs. And thus, utilizing a computerized system can be simple change like providing production workers for greater freedom of movement in performing their task (http:/ In Bataan Polytechnic State College, the college-wide computerized enrollment system was implemented. Last October 2005, they put into operation the college –wide enrollment system for the first semester of the academic year 2005-2006. Applying the results and data generated by the administration, the college was able to remedy usual problems during admissions and enrollments such as the tendency to overlook procedures, confusion among the students on proper enrollment steps, and the inconsistency of the information generated and submitted to various offices within and outside the BPST. Furthermore, the college was able to triple the number of students served each day during the enrollment period. This made the operation faster, more accurate and efficient. ( Tagum Doctors College (TDC) of Tagum City a private institution of learning is dedicated to the quality of education of the youth to preserve and enrich the life of all Filipino heritages. Its current enrollment process is totally paper-based. Their enrollment process was the result of disconnected accounting, cashiering, and student records systems.  This led to staff manually calculating individual fees. Additionally, the staff could not accommodate the expanding student population. Faced with these manual, disconnected processes, Tagum Doctors College wanted to simplify student enrolment with a self-service system that automatically generated payment amounts by centralizing all student, course, and accounting details. In this connection, the researchers intend to unload their agonies by creating a computerized enrollment system. Statements of the Problem After the preliminary investigation to the institution of Tagum Doctors College, the researchers encountered the following problems. 1. Difficulty in retrieving records of the students 2. Feasible errors in computing students’ accounts 3. Complexity in tracing the records of current enrolled students 4. Delayed in processing a report 5. Difficult to identify the rooms and teacher on its subject and 6. There is a conflict arise in making manual students class schedule. Objectives of the Study This study aimed to satisfy its main objective of developing an automated enrollment system that will support one of the operations of Tagum Doctors’ College. Along with this general objective, this also aimed to satisfy the following objectives: 1. To access easily in retrieving record of the students; 2. To establish errors free in computing Students Accounts; 3. To trace easily outline record of the currently enrolled students; 4. To automatically generate accurate reports; 5. To identify the room and teacher on its subject; 6. To lessen conflict that arises in making students class schedule; Scope and Limitation The researcher designed this study to the institution of Tagum Doctor’s College to serve the administration to have accurate processing during enrollment period. This study designed a client/server system that shall cover the process in the registrar’s office, Dean’s office and Cashier’s office. The System caters the following: a) The Student’s information must have encoded into the system to search easily, to give/provide a back-up files for the students. b) For the cashier, the system can compute the total assessment of the student including the miscellaneous fees etc. it also automatic deduct the payment of the student if they fully paid before the examination period and the remaining balance. c) The system can provide automatically a student class schedule. For the transferee and irregular student, the system can schedule their subjects. In addition, it can edit one-by-one the subject codes, time schedule if the student wants to change their schedule. d) Automatic generate the student’s number, receipt number and arrange the report what the user’s need. e) The system can also view the grades of the students. f) Can print out hard copy for the important means such as lists of students, subject codes, time schedule and the assigned teachers. Significance of the Study This proposed Computerized Enrollment System is relevant and beneficial to the college in away that the process in keeping data’s, cashiering and making reports becomes more consistent. In addition, it would be easier and would be lessen the workload of the involved offices. It would also help the school administration to manage and transact with other schools. The registrar’s office would handle the student assessment accurate. It also eases for the student’s transaction. Furthermore, the adoption of this system would provide data security which reliable on every transactions. The following persons can benefits this study: Cashier. These systems will the school cashier in computing the total  assessment of the students and other miscellaneous fees accurate and clear Dean. This system will help the Dean in keeping all the transactions regarding the student’s records, organized and manage all the transactions accurate and safety. Faculty. This system will help the faculty minimal their work load during enrollment period. It gives an easier way of identifying their assigned subject. Registrar. This system will help them in keeping the student’s records orderly and safely. School Administration. This system will help them to manage and organize the time schedule in handling the transaction. Student. This system will also help ease the students in updating their subjects available and other transactions easier and faster. It will also provide the students to view their grades. Review of Related Literature The Review of Related Literature represents the mention principles, ideas, concept, theories, facts and views regarding the relevant variables of aspects as gathered from different books scrutinized by the researchers and searched from the internet Today, the trend of technology speeding up very rapidly, automation was developing as a result advanced in the design of machine. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies including today’s global economy and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Most early machine was design to operate under a specific set of condition, when this condition change manual adjustment was necessary to assure proper operation. This was not a major shortcoming, since the machines operated at relatively slow speeds. It was quickly recognized as valuable to assure efficiency and accuracy and manufacturing process. The term operation refers to a wide variety of system and processes that operate with little or no human intervention. In the most modern information system, control is exercise by the system itself through control devices that sense changes in such condition as temperature, rate of flow to make adjustment to compensate these changes. The development of digital computer, which can monitor external condition and make an appropriate adjustment to the system, added farther impetus to the application of automation. It trices to increase understanding of the ways  in which information is generated, stored made available, and used. In the practical sense it undertake specific action to try to improved the same function of information technology (Grolier Internal Encyclopedia Vol. 2, 1995) Automation plays an increasingly important role in the global economy and in daily experience. Engineers strive to combine automated devices with mathematical and organizational tools to create complex systems for a rapidly expanding range of applications and human activities. A computerized system will allow you to make better use of your time. Why spend time typing information into a document, when you could be hosting a job search workshop ( and The De la Salle University’s ITC Systems management Office designs, develops, implements and evaluates computer- based information systems as requested by the academic and administrative units to facilitate their operations. These information systems include their enrollment system, student’s information systems and accounting system for student’s assessments. The University desires to fully computerize its processes and integrated all its information systems that are evaluated annually. Its quality policy includes the list 99.9 percent availability of computing resources, at most customer satisfaction, prompt and positive response to customer’s requests, feedback on customer’s request (http:/ The Automated Enrollment System of Samar State University aims for an accurate, user friendly, efficient system that can help both the student and personnel for fast data processing of enrollment. Engr. Hediki Hashimoto, a Japanese volunteer headed the creation and conceptualization of the system. He was assisted by the information technology faculty from the College of Engineering and Arts and Sciences. The system, which is web, based, uses PHP programming language with data stored in MySQL is run through the intranet of SSU. A dry-run for this automated enrolment was done last summer and the first semester of this school year. Offices affected with the automation were the registrar, cashier, accounting, and the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Nursing and Graduate Studies. Feedbacks from the students were formulated when the first semester started. Over 75 % of them says that the automation process of enrollment was better compared with the old system. With the good result of the dry-run  the automated enrolment system will be finally implemented this 2nd semester. Saint Louis University’s Computerized Program was envisioned by Father Ghesleen de Vos. He saw the importance of automating the academic systems particularly the accounting and registrar’s offices. His goal was to lessen the burden of handling tedious tasks that was brought about by the voluminous records processed every semester. In June 1969, Fr. De Vos’ vision became a reality with the acquisition of the IBM 1130 system. This gave birth the Saint Louis University International Business Machines Electronic Data Processing Office (http:/ Mapua Institute of Technology started its computerized operations in the collection of relevant student information in the 1960’s. During the 1997 University days of the Mapua Institute of Technology, the MIS office held a demonstration of a Windows-based prototype of an on-line enrollment system for the Deans and several Heads of Offices. The system, developed using Fox Pro for Windows, displayed various features for a faster enrolment. The first on-line enrollment system and student information system was developed and was tested on the summer of 1998 where all students gathered at the Burgos Gym for their enrollment (http:/ Context Flow Diagram The Context Diagram also includes the people and other organizations which the system communicates. It also contains the data the system produces and the data that the system receives from the external entities. The entire system is placed on the process Recording and accessing, under which several processes make up the entire Computerized Enrollment System. Figure 1, are the external entities that send or receive information from the system are included in the Context Diagram. During enrollment, the students provide their necessary data for the system to process the transaction. The system activate by supplying the needed data that will comprise the student information, payment of enrollment fees and other charges. The student’s information given by the student to the Registrar’s Office that will be stored in the system. After the student paid his obligation and receive a receipt from the Cashier. The Registrar releases the class schedule of the students with the other student’s records to have a hard copy for them. The Dean will have the record of class list. Figure 1. The Context Flow Diagram of Computerized Enrollment System Definition of Terms The following term used in this study are defined conceptually for clarity and easy understanding of the concepts. Class list. The lists of the student every subject given by the Dean of College to the Faculties. Class Schedule. The form of the student with the room and time assignment, and total assessment of the student. Requesting Class list. The Dean’s has the authority to access on the system and to have a hard copy. Printed Student’s Record. The hardcopy records of the student kept by the Registrar. Printed Student’s Record. The hardcopy records of the student kept by the Registrar. Recording and Accessing. The automated system can kept the records, monitor, and compute the assessment of the student. Registration form. The form that need to filled up by the student to have a Student’s record to the Registrar’s Office. Student’s Accounts. The assessment of the student saved also on the system. Student ID number. This number assigned on the students to retrieve their profile and accounts. Student’s Record. The records of the student saved on the system.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Jihad Religion and Theology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Jihad Religion and Theology - Research Paper Example Jihad therefore means fighting to have a positive attitude towards Allah’s teachings, and determining to follow them (Khan 48). There are four known form of jihads according to Islamic scholars’ opinions. There is the Jihad of the heart, Jihad of the tongue, jihad of the hand and jihad of the sword. Some people have taken the word to mean â€Å"Holly War†. They therefore have taken advantage of this word, to expand Islamic boundaries and influence. Some Muslims have used such war to fight physically against other non-Muslim people and countries. Jihad started back in the time of Prophet Muhammad. At that time, Muslims had to protect themselves when Prophet Muhammad was moving from Makkah to Madinah where he lived until he died. At that time in Makka, Muslims were in extreme danger, and the chances of their eradication were high. At this point, they gave them permission to guard themselves by afflicting those who were oppressing them violently. The holly Qurâ€⠄¢an allows Muslims address the concerns of aggressive neighbors since God will sustain them. However, it outlaws them thus; they should not exceed their limits. They should maintain discipline by avoiding hurting the blameless. Apparently, according to Qur’an, the Jihad that necessitates the fight within one’s self is the greatest Jihad. ... Muslims should pray for their enemies and those who shun God. Additionally, the jihad of the heart requires that, Muslims should love their fellow Muslims, and feel the brotherhood of faith, which connects them with other Muslims worldwide. Through faith, Muslims should believe that the people of devotion to Allah are in one tent that is different from those of unbelievers. This is so, until God grants the Islamic nation, one regime, which will join all Muslims under this nation, God willing (Anwar 219). The jihad of the heart is a reticent kind of jihad. This happens when Muslims see a person sinning and they think that confronting the person is not wise; they can just silently reject the injustice. Furthermore, Muslims can engage in this kind of jihad by praying constantly, fasting accordingly, and memorizing the Koran. Apparently, Muslims believe that by practicing all this, Allah with his angels will always be close to them. According to Islam, these practices are jihad because; they are all efforts to bring a believer close to Allah. Jihad of the Tongue After the Muslims have achieved purity of spirits, they can conduct the Jihad of the Tongue. This is the kind of jihad where Muslims spread the word of Allah by preaching to other Muslims and non-Muslims. This Jihad is for the most daring Muslims, as they ought to tackle the non-believers with the use of Koran. They ask the non-believers to try to read Koran expecting that they will believe whatever it says. Since this kind of Jihad requires more effort than the Jihad of the heart, which involves keeping to thoughts to ones self, Muslims believe that it receive more reward in heaven. Jihad of the hand After Muslims have successfully gone through the â€Å"Jihad of the heart†, and the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Course of Mexican History Research Paper Essay

The Course of Mexican History Research Paper - Essay Example The reflection specifically aims to address the following: (1) to provide a description of how the course has enhanced one’s understanding of the term "culture"; (2) to explain how historical and social contexts have helped to shape human belief systems and values; and (3) to evaluate how one’s own cultural perspective has influenced personal intercultural experiences. Description: Personal Understanding of the Term Culture One’s personal contention is that the term culture encompasses a collaborative learning and experiences of a particular group of people who have developed common sets of values, preferences, traditions, norms and practiced these as their way of life from generation to generation. This understanding of the term culture was reinforced by discussions on business culture (Unit 1), specifically how Mexicans value personal relationships, mix business transactions with leisure activities and continue to practice the manana habit that tends to delay a ctivities to a later time or date. Further, lessons on art and architecture from ancient times that marked the development of practices from the time of the Olmec and Aztec cultures, enhanced one’s understanding of how various religious practices influenced traditional beliefs and the way architecture was created and built (Unit 3). Culture, as a way of life, were discussed to be manifested and expressed through music (Unit 10) from the rule of the Spanish conquests to contemporary times in terms of the evolution and development of musical instruments, styles, and forms. Finally, one of the most evident cultural forms is exemplified through the way Mexicans enjoy and prepare their food (Unit 2) and how their eating habits differ from other cultures. Diverse historical timelines that aimed to trace the roots and evolution of Mexicans, as an indigenous group, presented more comprehensive discussion of how Mexicans were influenced by significant personalities from the time of Ki ng Charles V of Spain (Unit 5) to the restoration of the republic through revolt in 1910 (Unit 6). All these events helped shape and make Mexico a distinct and rich culture that have influenced other people through interactions and global connections through time. Explanation: Historical and Social Contexts that shaped Belief Systems and Values Human belief systems and values are likewise shaped by the historical and social events depicted through the rich experiences discussed in the module. One of the most pronounced social events is the use of musical instruments that were traced since the time of the Aztecs from their drums that accompany their ceremonies (Unit 10). The role of the church is also crucial in the development of a distinct musical genre focusing on solemnity, hymns and chants. Other historical events that significantly shaped beliefs and values of Mexicans were the art and literature expressed in architectural sites which were traced from their religious practices of worshipping gods and goddesses (Unit 3). The experience of Mexico is parallel with other cultures that exemplify religion as having shaped traditional values and beliefs. Most of these are handed from generation to generation and some remain to be practiced until contemporary times. Finally, the influence of other races: Spaniards, in particular, in their way of life, in political endeavors, and in fighting for national freedom from foreign rule and

American Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Culture - Research Paper Example They also look forward to a utopian future, where this model is applied to the whole universe, and American culture and values are spread out to other species by a combination of force and persuasion. Star Trek uniquely represents the achievements, and the flaws, of American society in the second half of the twentieth century. Scholars have noted how important the programs have been, not just in terms of entertainment history, but also in wider terms: â€Å"Star Trek holds a peculiarly exalted place in American culture,† (Wagner and Lundeen, 1998). These authors argue that the reason for the program’s success and cult status is that â€Å"Star Trek serves as a secular American mythology† (Wagner and Lundeen, 1998) This line of reasoning suggests that after the medieval and renaissance periods when religion guided major civilizations, the Enlightenment brought a new way of seeing the world, in which reason and science replace religion as an explanation for the wor ld. In Star Trek, Spock and the Vulcans portray this faith in pure reason, while Kirk, Scotty and McCoy portray a more ambivalent acceptance of this dogma, and a firm belief in emotions such as friendship, loyalty, patriotism and of course ambition. Some of the older programs display rather sexist and racist views, however, which reflects the period in which they were made. The Star Trek series, and the films as well, still have cult status with older people in the United States who have followed them from the very beginning. Many younger viewers identify more with the higher technology of later science fiction programs like Star Wars and regard Star Trek as a somewhat more historic series, but still appreciate its humor, the long running debates and jokes between the characters, and the deep mythical significance of space exploration which is still today a distant goal for modern humans. As the series progressed through the seventies and eighties it adapted to take account of more modern ideas such as feminism with the female captain Janeway, multiculturalism with the space station of Deep Space Nine. Many a child in America and across the world was attracted to a career in science through watching this series on television. Evidence for the permanent influence of Star Trek on real world science can be found in a news bulletin from March 7th, 2011 which revealed that William Shatner, the actor who played the original Captain of the starship Enterprise, recorded a message based on the opening credits of the television program which was then transmitted to the real astronauts on the space shuttle Discovery before they departed from the international space station to make the vessel’s final flight. The text was accompanied by the television series backing music and stated â€Å"These have been the voyages of the space shuttle Discovery. Her 30-year mission; to seek out new science, to build new outposts, to bring nations together on the final frontier, t o boldly go and do what no spacecraft has done before.† (Williams, 2011) The use of the past tense along with a very small 30-year time span makes the message rather nostalgic, as if to say the American mythology of pioneering exploration to find â€Å"new life and new civilisations† is now over. The conquering imperialism of mid and late twentieth century

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Do corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports provide shareholders Essay - 5

Do corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports provide shareholders and stakeholders with useful information on corporate soci - Essay Example the material costs relating to regulatory compliance. In the developed countries i.e. United States, Canada, and Australia among other countries, there has been a growing need for CSR reporting i.e. because of the stakeholders’ pressure and increased public awareness. Company’s shareholders, stakeholders and CSR reporting One of the key reasons why companies prepare the CSR reports is to offer useful information to the shareholders and stakeholders. This information translates into enhanced environmental and social conditions, because of the fact that stakeholders rewards the top performing corporations and punish the poorly performing corporate. Many investors and consumers are demanding environmental and social accountability amongst the companies, which has put pressure on them to execute CSR reporting. There has been a growing number of CSR reporting certifications i.e. ISO and SA8000 certifications, which reflects the growing need for reporting. They provide proof that CSR reporting offers valuable information to shareholders, and the companies’ stakeholders. Many companies view CSR reporting as an investment move as opposed to a cost. They conduct research relating to their stakeholders’ needs and report to them (Tschopp, 2012). ... Stakeholders including the customers, suppliers, employees, the government and other regulators all have an interest in the companies’ operations. The key goal of CSR reporting is to help the stakeholders understand how the companies affect their environmental, economic, and social circumstances (Merkl-Davies & Brennan, 2011). Another key reason why companies report on their social responsibility is to grow the shareholder’s wealth. Many companies include the CSR reporting in their annual financial reporting. This contributes towards building the shareholder wealth. For example, a company that reports about its social responsibility reflects its accountability to the public. These markets the company to the investors thus growing the demand for its stock. The high demand for the company’s stock translates into the growth in the shareholders’ wealth (KPMG, 2008). All companies feel that they are accountable to their stakeholders and, therefore, they recogni ze the responsibility by performing CRS reporting. The ethics branch of the stakeholder theory states that stakeholders have intrinsic rights, which the companies should not violate. According to the theory, even if the company does not benefit economically by getting involved in social responsibility activities, it should still participate and report for the benefit of all the stakeholders (Mahoney, 2013). Different stakeholders are interested in different types of information from the CSR reporting. For example, the consumers are concerned about the quality of the goods that the companies are offering in the market. They would like to know if the products would meet their needs and boost their health. Consumers would shun products that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assess the Extent to Which International Intervention for Humanitarian Essay

Assess the Extent to Which International Intervention for Humanitarian Reasons is Becoming a Normal Among the International Comm - Essay Example To assess extent of the international intervention for humanitarian reasons one shall primary discover its foundation. In my opinion, regulation of human rights and freedoms are the basis for any humanitarian intervention in pre- and post-war period. Before signing the UN Charter, Geneva Conventions of 1949 and other international documents they were regulated exclusively by national law. Their scope and variety depended on historical epochs. According to national law, humanitarian intervention was allowed only for protection of life and property of citizens, staying on the territory of another state, and also of ethnic minorities. French intervention to Syria (1860 - 1861) can be regarded as its classical example. Justification of the above intervention was the rescue of local Christian population. A short-term religious conflict between the Maronite Christians and the massacre provoked indignation of European community of those times. Houndari (1946) remarks that previously there h as been tolerance between Muslims and the local Christian community. At the Conference in Paris the most influential European countries empowered France to perform the intervention for humanitarian reasons. ... , but only because it was clear that non-compliance with the wishes of the European great powers would lead to strategic coercion being exercised by the Concert powers against Turkey.† Thus, in XIX century such intervention of the progressive state was quite normal, as oppressors were Muslims, ‘uncivilized foreigners’ and was grounded on common religion and humanity concerns. The French party significantly exceeded its authority, as the initially agreed term of 6 months was prolonged and conflict of power with the British government took place. It is a typical feature of modern humanitarian intervention campaigns (Iran, Afghanistan), where transfer of power to local administration is often prolonged and restricted. Although the French government tried to protect local Christians’ interests, it was just a pretext for power redivision with Great Britain in this region. Scale of the conflict was exaggerated, because most of the Maronite Christians were natives, not numerous and â€Å"and partly because clergy and laity alike were for the most part Arabic in language and culture† (Houndari 1946). On the other hand, the present intervention really improved the situation, as the Christian population was governed and protected by American Christian Governor. The Maronite Christians’ rights and social position strengthened. Special attention should be paid to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which authorized partition of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union. After World War I League of Nations supported independence of Poland as a buffer against ‘Red Russia’ and progressive Europe. According to agreements between League of Nations members, observance of human, civil and political rights for Polish citizens dwelling outside the country was guaranteed. Lerski (1996)

Monday, September 23, 2019

Agile software development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Agile software development - Assignment Example To begin with, the state of many operating environments of software systems is such that any vulnerability is likely to attract exploits (Paul, 2012). This calls for software testers that are focused, diligent and thorough to ensure that the delivered software products do harbor any vulnerability. Just like the software testers, hackers constantly make efforts to have their hacking skills updated. With such an effort, the hackers increase their ability to identify and exploit newer system vulnerabilities. Thus, testing like a hacker means that a software tester assumes the role of a hacker to be better placed in identifying the security hitches of a system. Secondly, hackers have the main intention of doing what other people have not been able to do and this is why they able to discover system vulnerabilities. To counteract such intentions, testers have to think outside the box about the possible system weakness that attackers and hackers can find attractive. Nothing would be as paining as a tester carrying out a vulnerability assessment only for someone to come after him to find something that he failed to identify. Furthermore, the focus, time and effort spent in a testing activity will dictate the success level of a software project (Khurana, 2009). Based on these facts, testing like a hacker means that a software tester in his effort to eliminate system weaknesses might need to go beyond the testing scope specified in the Test Plan. Finally, the exploitation is known to be a mission for circumventing the security controls of a system by launching an exploit. In the software world, exploits are bugs or issues within the software code that allow hackers to execute or launch payloads against the target software system (P, 2013). Payload here refers to a means of having the target machine turned into a puppet and forcing it to make our wishes. The payloads have the danger of altering the intended software

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Community Service Essay Example for Free

Community Service Essay Before actually partaking in community service, I always thought of it as a means of overworking students for the employers to save money, but after actually getting myself involved in itI realized that doing community service is actually a privilege for us the volunteers. It gives us an opportunity to gain experience, widen our skills and get a better understanding of the hard labour and it is a process that essentially goes into the outcome of a product or service. Community service has literally made me realized how little I contribute to my country, how little I know about my country and has brought to my attention and conscience that I should try my best to assist more—free of wage—in the continuous growth of my economy. Doing my service at St. Rose Nursery, has opened my eyes to the not so easy process of growing flowers, plants and trees; for example how important fertilizers are and what a big difference the right fertilisers make—and also the different types of fertilizers and their functions . Before I never really understood the beauty of them nor did I realize how much work went into nurturing and harvesting them, but now I am more aware and more concerned about the health of trees and how they are treated and even situated in a pot or the ground. On my first day at St. Rose Nursery, I was given a tour of the compound and while getting the tour, I could not help but feel relaxed and free. The ambience of the nursery changed my mood and thought completely; it had me wondering why do we stress out ourselves? Also it made me realize that I should take time to get in touch with nature and myself. After being introduced to the employees, I felt intimidated because I was the only female surrounded by five males so I saw that as a challenge in terms of them underestimating me and my abilities but after talking to them for a little I felt right at home and was able to be myself and even challenge myself by learning to pot plants, fertilize them and water them all in one day. They were all so helpful and very explanatory and took the time to show me exactly what to do before I did it, at the end of the day I excelled and  accomplished far more than they expected; the good energy at the nursery led me to spend longer hours there than I actually expected to spend per day. Throughout my time at St. Rose nursery, I would like to believe that I have brought a youthful and eager emotion to the compound; despite the fact that we worked in separate areas. I believe that I have shown them that a woman can be productive in the nursery field and can also keep up with their speed and even surpass them; I stared of potting only 1 plant per 2 minutes and by the end of the day, I was able to plant 2 plants per minute—it was fun and we turned it into a game—I observed the workers fertilizing the plants and heard the headman tell him that he was applying too much so I made an attempt to fertilize the next batch of plants and was told that I had done a good job! Not too much and not too little; I felt pleased and proud of myself—I had done better than someone who had much more experience in that field than me. It is funny how one can assume that plant nurturing to be a simple and senseless skill, well I learned the hard yet interesting way that it is far from simple and a lot of thought and precision goes into the whole process, from the pot the plant goes into, the climate atmosphere and type of soil that it is planted in. I have learned from this experience that it is possible to push myself a bit further when trying to accomplish a certain task in a given amount of time, I have learned that I am far more patient than I thought and most importantly I have learned that I personally stress myself over minor issues instead of taking time to breathe, relax and find a solution for it; through this I have come to the conclusion that I should find more time to clear my mind and possibly do something that I find interesting, productive and selfless to release my stresses of life. I have learned that even though I am an introvert, working with people is not that bad after all it just takes getti ng used to them and knowing how to work to suit all their different personalities. I also learned that working with other people really helps to get more work done faster. I honestly can say that I enjoyed the interaction with people who were not of my norm; I enjoyed the whole learning about new trees and their fruits,  smells, blooming and reproduction time. I enjoyed planting and reposting plants and most importantly I enjoyed the view of the surroundings. This endeavour was a challenging one in terms of patience and precision but in the end it all paid off, because I was blessed with the opportunity to enhance my gardening skills and was given the opportunity to be social with people who I would normally be afraid to talk to or even be around. Before transposing myself into the real life community service equation, I thought to myself and made an oath to myself that my main aim was to simple complete my thirty hours of community service as fast and as soon as possible, but after starting and observing the nursery, I realized that it would provide me with far more knowledge and far more fun and experience than I expected and I realized that it would be in my best interest to use it to my advantage to gain a greater skill. I believe that service to others is important because it is a good way to give back to the community and also to increase one’s level of experience and variation. I believe in my distant future I would once again volunteer my time to another estate to expand my comprehension and also to help improve my community and help improve myself as a person. The people at the St. Rose Nursery are very hospital and down to earth, to the point where I can honestly say that there is nothing I would change about their mannerism. To potential volunteers, I would like to advice them to go into the experience open minded and willing to learn. I would also suggest that they find something that is within their comfort zone or something at that they at least have a strong interest in learning or have a passion for, simply because if one does something that they do not like or will not like, then they will not enjoy the experience to the fullest and similarly if one does something that seemed interesting to them before they actually partook in it, then they would draw from that experience that it is simply not something they would like to do in the future and would have learned a valuable lesson.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Injuries Within Sports Games Physical Education Essay

Injuries Within Sports Games Physical Education Essay A great number of injuries occur in the context of recreational rugby games. It has been generally presumed that after a sports injury, the sports injury management programme is highly depend on compliance to sports physiotherapist recommended rehabilitation regime. Even the best treatment plan made by sports therapist specially designed for the patients could not guarantee that the patient would follow that treatment plan. Effectiveness of the specially designed treatment plan depends on the compliance of the patient. Compliance to the sports injury management program is generally less then hundred percent (Spetch and Kolt, 2001). Bassett (2003) found that 65% of athletes are either, following their rehabilitation program fully or partially and 10% of athletes did not follow their specially designed sports specific treatment plan at all. The  England Rugby Injury Training Audit, the worlds largest continuous injury study in professional rugby union, carried out by Kemp et al (2009) reported that the sixth season of the study recorded 769 match injuries from the Guinness Premiership, EDF Energy Cup and European competitions and 258 training injuries. Simon et al (2009) pointed out that the likelihood of sustaining a match injury increased in the 2008-9 season, reversing the downward trend that had been established since the 2002-3 season. For an early return to sports, when amateur rugby players were injured, they need sports specific injury rehabilitation. Since the sports therapist is the first point of contact after the rugby player is injured on the pitch, they the sports therapist are, therefore in a sole position to analyse the players health status and to impact the sports specific injury treatment. Sports therapy is a vibrant profession that entails a sports therapist to be proficient in a number of different specialities. Although, the sports therapist must be qualified and experienced to take full charge of the physical side of the sports injury treatment, for a sports therapist simply to know how to investigate, analyse and treat a sports injury is not an adequate enough to guarantee that an amateur rugby football player is able to be rehabilitated as swiftly and effectively as possible. An imperative feature of the sports physiotherapist responsibility is to approach concerns of adherence to the sports specific injury treatment, and to communicate effectively with the player to make sure that they endeavour the essential ability to speed up their rehabilitation. The sports therapist acknowledges the significance of psychological factors in sports specific injury management adherence (Board of Certification Role Delineation Study, 2004). It is important that the therapist gets qualification and training in the psychological side of the players injury, although most accept that they did not get any sports psychological rehabilitation training (Roh Perna, 2000). Nevertheless, identifying the variables that are significant in promoting adherence and incorporating approaches to deal with these factors is a complex matters. Shuer Dietrich, (1997) argued that practitioners have investigated sports injuries from orthopaedic standpoint, but psychological treatment of amateur rugby players has not been fully addressed. Fisher, Mullins Frye (1993) argued that literature, concentrating on sports specific injury treatment, could be divided into three distinctive categories; sports therapist communication with the player, sports specific injury management features and injured amateur rugby players characteristics. Researchers have found that the players responses and awareness have been affected by their psychological attribut es. To be close to the sports therapy clinic enhance participation and a friendly atmosphere is favourable to the sports injury rehabilitation adherence (Fisher Hoisington, 1993). Prentice (1994) stated that amateur rugby players opinion of the sports therapist also influence the association between the player and the sports therapist and affect the sports injury adherence. Investigating the perspectives of this professional affiliation can improve the sports physiotherapist concepts of the amateur rugby players attitudes of, and contentment with, their sports therapist (Fisher Hoisington, 1993). Unruh (1998) pointed out that if the rugby player is satisfied with the sports physiotherapist injury rehabilitation management, then he/she would have more self assurance in the sports therapist during the sports specific injury rehabilitation management program. Fitzpatrick (1991) argued that patient contentment studies with their sports therapists supported the principal that if the rugby players are more satisfied with the sports therapist, the more they will trust him/her. Even though, the association between the sports therapist and rugby players is decisive, none of the research examined that how a sports therapist can formulate or constitute a connection to optimize their adherence. Brook et al (2005) argued that in the last decade amateur rugby players got injured at a higher rate. Since a quick return, and continuation in performance, is directly related to the results of sports injuries, how an amateur rugby football player deals with it, then further research concerning the psychological side of players is ever more significant. However, the majority of literature that has focused on injury rehabilitation has concentrated on the musculoskeletal aspects and until recently has ignored the emotional feature that could potentially play a significant role for professional athletes. With some exceptions the psychological research to date has mainly concentrated on specific factors that influence an athletes rehabilitation, such as social support (Bianco, 2001), adherence (pizzari et al, 2002), self confidence (Magyr and Dua, 2000), coping and psychological skills. Tracey (2003) has suggested that both primary and secondary appraisals fluctuate depending upon the personal and situational factors of each individual athlete. However, there are significant relationships between the primary and secondary appraisal and copying strategies. Shelly (1999, p. 306) called for further investigation into the unique perceptions and perspectives of injured athletes during rehabilitation as a means of adding depth to the research. The use of qualitative data collection on multiple occasions allows injured athletes to reflect on their experiences as they happen and to scrutinize changes over time (Podlog and Eklund, 2006). Adherence has been defined as an active, voluntary involvement of the patient in a mutually acceptable course of behaviour to produce a desired preventative or therapeutic effect. Adherence behaviour in sports injury rehabilitation may include clinic-based activities, modifying sports activities, taking medications, and completing home based activities. A number of sources, including surveys with sports medicine professionals, and research studies, suggested that low and non-adherence could be an issue in sports therapy practice. In the last decade the primary focus of the studies, carried out by researchers, to investigate the sports injury rehabilitation was to identify predictors of adherence behaviour. Brewer (2004) argued that in order to draw conclusions about the most significant issues affecting adherence to sports specific injury rehabilitation, additional research is required. Qualitative research proposes a complementary approach to quantitative studies in understanding sports specific injury rehabilitation in amateur rugby football players. Qualitative research also outlines new factors for contemplation and provides further support to previous findings. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore amateur rugby football players experiences and perceptions of adhering to a sport injury rehabilitation program. In this study, the researcher used interviews to investigate their attitudes and contentment with their sports therapy rehabilitation. Qualitative research methodology focuses on individuals lived experiences as they are presented in thoughts, ideas, feelings, attitudes, and perceptions. Stake (1995) suggested that qualitative research gives a new approach to finding out more knowledge into the multifaceted association which took place during sports injury management. This study would explore the status of research on the sport injury rehabilitation adherence. Studies identifying variables that are correlated with adherence would be synthesized to produce a body of knowledge that will aid in the explanation of individual behavioural responses towards injury rehabilitation programs. From this qualitative investigation, using thematic coding of the interview data, categories of variables influencing adherence would emerged. In this study, the researcher would analyse acquiescence among armature rugby football players during rehabilitation. In order to improve amateur rugby football players adherence to the sports specific rehabilitation programme, strategies would be outlined for the sports physiotherapists. The predictors of sport injury rehabilitation adherence would be discussed, strategies to enhance rehabilitation adherence would be reported, and considerations for future research would be suggested. This study would provide valuable information that could be used by researchers and sports therapy practitioners to identify strategies that should enable sports therapists to structure an independent supportive atmosphere that would promote higher levels of self-regulation, enthusiasm, and strength of mind. This will help to improve adherence to the rehabilitation programmes.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Disciplines In Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay

Disciplines In Health Promotion Health And Social Care Essay In the past years there has been an increasing expectation of new strategies and ideas concerning Public Health and Health Promotion with regards to effectiveness, efficiency and the importance of a wide range of various disciplines contributing to enhance the uses of resources and the practice of health promotion (Macdonald and Bunton 2004). This assignment will explore with critical reflections and throw more light on the importance of the various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, economics and ethics that contribute to improve the practice of health promotion. Discussions will include the relevance of economics, sociology and ethics to the practice of health promotion and ways in which these can contribute to understanding and evaluating health promotion. Finally it is expected that this assignment will highlight the problems and challenges identified, address them and make recommendations for professional practice. CONCEPT OF HEALTH The most acceptable known definition of health, states that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1946). However, although this definition has been accepted widely as a holistic and positive interpretation of health, it has been criticised for not including the spiritual and emotional aspects of health (Ewles and Simnett 2003 cited in Bennett et al 2009 p. 48). The question is what really informs the understanding of health and ill health considering the lay people and the practitioner is that, the definition of health is entirely personal to the individual and his/her life styles. This has become necessary that healthcare professional should understand that the interpretation of health is highly understood differently from one person to the other with regards to issues militating against them from one point of time such as self-esteem, social support, individual control and social status (Laverack 2007), so that in an attempt to address these issues one should be ready to consider to embrace and undertake interventions of health promotions to achieve realistic goals. Blaxter (1990) identified five main concepts of health as follows, health as a physical fitness, health as social relationships, health as a function, health as psychosocial well-being, that prevails with young men of higher socioeconomic groups and lastly, health as not ill that is the absence of symptoms or medical effort widely used by all group. The term health promotion describes a multidimensional approach to encouraging health related lifestyle changes among individuals and communities (Laverack 2007). Health promotion aims to allow people to increase their control over their health and the factors that affect it, with the ultimate aim of enhancing health and its determinants (WHO 1986, 2005). Naidoo and Wills (2000) described three levels of health education as follows, Primary prevention for example immunisation, Secondary prevention for example screening. Then Tertiary prevention which aims to limit complications associated with irreversible conditions, for example cardiac rehabilitation. However, an individuals approach to health promotion will be influenced by their own health beliefs and that of the profession they represent. Ewles and Simnett (2003) outlined a framework of five approaches that demonstrate a range of values and beliefs that are commonly held. A value is an idea or concept that is regarded as worthy, desirable or useful (Moore 2001). And according to Fishbein (1976), a belief is a probability judgement that links some object or concept to some attribute The five approaches are; Medical approach to prevent disease, Behaviour change approach that is persuasive education, Educational approach that provides patients right to make an informed choice, Empowerment approach, this is patient-centred approach that helps patients to identify their own learning needs and, facilitated by a health educator, gain the knowledge and skills they require to make decisions about their health needs and the Social change approach this does not focus on the individual but on society as a whole (Ewles and Simnett 2003). Similarly health promotion interventions can be achieve by adopting the downstream approaches to tackle health behaviours that give rise to problems and upstream approaches to tackle the causes of such behaviours such as alcohol and smoking problem that leads to social exclusion and poverty. To alleviate this problem taxes should be imposed on such items and local employment programmes set up at the upstream to tackle the cause. Health info rmation and behaviour programmes should be provided to solve this problem at the downstream (Mckinlay 1979). THE DISCIPLINES For health promotion to be effective and efficient, it is important to explore a variety of disciplines as well as the use of an available resources and the appropriate evidence base practice (Macdonald and Bunton 2004). The question is which discipline ideas, concepts or theories inform us in promoting health? But generally it has been said that psychology has played an important role in formulating strategies (Bennett and Murphy 1997; Bennett et al. 1995), identifying aims and objectives and suggesting effective approaches for health promotion (Bunton et al. 1991; Bennett and Murphy 1997). Psychology therefore is concerned with the scientific study of the processes of the mind and behaviour and how human and other animals relate to one another with the environment (Colman 1988). It has been found that psychological theories by using communication model of behavioural change has proved successful and reported of positive outcomes for example, according to Boots and Midford (1999), suggested that females were used in campaigning in mass media activities to raised awareness of drivers to stop drinking when driving in Australia. Similarly Petty and Cacioppo (1986) by the use of Elaboration Likelihood Model explained how pre-existing beliefs and interest of an individual as well as the message content (how it is package) has a positive impact in changing behaviour that is the likelihood of a known HIV positive person who is involve in a campaign of promoting National AIDS awareness programmes can effect an increase knowledge, less risky attitudes and a safer behaviour chang e than somebody without the disease (Scollay et al. 1992). It has also been found that the use of the health belief model has given an in-depth understanding about low rates of compliance to screening and prevention recommendations. This type consist of five models, more common are the approaches that increase the barriers to unhealthy behaviours that is by use of increasing taxation in tobacco or alcohol that serves as an effective deterrent with young adults who are more affected by price changes than older adults (Lewit et al. 1981). But Brownson et al. (1995) also affirmed that by imposing restrictions on such items on alcohol without licencing, renders it ineffective that poses political issues and controversy. Also through Social learning theory (SLT), that states behaviour is the product of a relationship between perception and environmental events (Bandura 1997). It has been realised that, behaviours are influenced by two sets of expectancies, the first being the action-outcome that explains the fact that if an individual believes th at a particular action will cause disastrous health problems like smoking causes cancer then the individual sees the outcome as a value. The second being the self-efficacy expectancy, that is if the individual realises that giving up of smoking will reduce the risk of getting cancer then the person places a high value on the behavioural change. These two expectancy beliefs have been found to be effective in helping to resist peer pressure to smoke or the use of drugs (Stacy et al. 1992) and engaging in safer sex practices (OLeary et al. 1992). However it has been argued that behaviour comes as a result of a formal decision making and seems to be habitual and thoughtless (Hunt and Martin 1988). Conversely economics as a discipline has also contributed to health promotion either in a positive or negative way globally. Health economics according to Santerre and Neun (2009) studies the supply and demand of health care resources and the impact of health care resources on a population (p.4). It can also be used to access the impact of tax changes on smoking behaviour, for instance increasing taxes on such item like cigarette would be very effective. Because it will increase the cost of cigarette which will in turn correspond to a reduction in the number of young adult smokers and at the same time reduce the amount of consumption. Similarly the changes in tax do not actually affect the number of adult smokers. On the other hand if taxes are imposed on cigarettes, the disadvantage is that tobacco duty is going to go up which will affect the poor more the rich (Grossman and chaloupka 1997). Economic policies has also threaten the developments of interventions globally for instance, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) which was hailed as a new frame work for development that would have propelled and directed change in the spheres of hunger, health and human right, equality and education is being threaten by economic problems of soaring commodity prices, government decisions of misdirecting funds and global slowdown to bring it to reality. For example this will affect the UN population fund, whose agency focuses on maternal and reproductive health which is a major public health issue for instance it has been estimated that, in India the number of women dying during childbirth is highest anywhere in the world that is one woman dying every three to six minutes from preventable causes, yet the country spends less than 0.9% of gross domestic product on public health. On the other hand it would cost the world $6bn to stop women dying during childbirth less than the amount s pent in a day and a half on the military. Also sound economic investment could go a long way to bring success in countries across Asia pushing down the poverty levels. At the same time political priorities, if geared towards health-related MDGs will help save women from dying, reduce child mortality rate, combat HIV/Aids, promote gender equality and eradicate extreme poverty and hunger globally (Holmes 2008). Another discipline of importance is sociology which has also played an effective role in promoting health. Sociology enables us to understand the structure and dynamics of society, it attempts to analyse the patterns of human behaviour and individual life changes. It also examines the different forms of social structures like groups, organisations, communities and social categories such as gender, age and race and various social institutions like kinship, political, economic or religious groups that affect human attitudes, actions, values and beliefs as well as opportunities (Thorogood 2004 cited in Macdonald and Bunton 2004). The significance of this has highlighted an understanding into how health and illness affect our everyday life and has also criticised medicine as a tool to support capitalist development and exploitation (Navarro 1974; Doyal and Pennell 1979). According to Illich (1976), medical dominance has done a lot of harm than good for example the practice of biomedicine has created a lot of sicknesses as a result from the risk of surgery, anaesthesia, effects of drugs and immunisations. This has also open ways to examine and to improve ways of different factors of health issues that is beyond the field of medicine and which the medical world does not have an adept opinion, and sociology can offer an insight into how and why these progressions occur. These also include the family structure, housing problems and employment issues as well as policies and suggest ways to address them (McKeown 1979; Kennedy 1983; Townsend and Davidson 1982). The adoption of health promotion strategies has come under scrutiny in a sense that not only does the approach of information-giving is enough to change a person but then the issue of empowerment model that is gaining greater control and making a free choice (Tones 1986 ). For example health promotion campaign in recent times has not been successful to address the issues relating to educational responses to HIV/AID. There has been various criticism in the approach with regards to norms and values that has been associated to targeted groups and more importantly the ideas and values that binds the campaign which were not expressed (Watney 1988a).The issue of impasse facing government-sponsored programmes between agencies have been emphasised, on one hand and need for appropriate information on a vital public health issue on the other as well as a political and social unwillingness to support the profile of sex (Wellings 1988; Watney 1988b). The reasons for this tension is perhaps the s ensitivity of undertaking any public educational activities which addressed forms of sexual relationship that might misinterpreted and could damage the traditional family values (Jessopp and Thorogood 1990). This can be achieved by carefully adopting a skilful decision-making strategy of acknowledging the individual social and political views as well as the structure of the community and their pre-existing values and beliefs. This will influence the ways in which information is perceived and operated on, decision-making and choice (Thorogood 2004 cited in Macdonald and Bunton 2004). Another area that has been criticised is the concept of evidence-base to inform health promotion policy and practice for achieving health outcomes (Bowen and Zwei 2005). Programmes designed to support evidence-base health promotion (EBHP) are being investigated and discussions are on-going to find out which mechanism could be most effective to support the evidence into policy practice and relevance of practice guidelines. Even though resources can be found in large organisations that are responsible for making sure the implementation of policy and supporting EBHP practices and decision making processes (Davies 2005; Speller et al. 2005), there are well documented barriers that include lack of aptness, lack of relevance of research, mutual mistrust and lack of personal contact between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, poor quality research, political instability, resource limitations and lack of expert opinion to explain evidence. Though many organisations are making sure to develop strategies to alleviate these barriers, there is still limited published research discovering the experiences of practitioners in the interest of evidence-based resources to inform practices. But in seeking to improve the evidence-base for health promotion and public health a multi-dimensional approach is required (Nutbeam 1999; Tang et al. 2003). CONCLUSION This essay to a large extent has given an insight into understanding the concepts, principles and models of health as well as public health and health promotion as being applied in a national and global context. It has also highlighted in a broader perspective understanding as to the way in which psychology has contributed effectively in a more rigorous application of psychological theories within health promotion interventions and evaluation designs (schaalma et al. 1996). And more also as a discipline to a large extent the contribution made in economics to health Promotion in identifying which forms of health promotion are worthwhile and which is not and therefore provided a framework which enables identification of where the benefits of health promotion justify the cost and to what extent. Lastly understanding the relevance of sociology for health promotion which has helped to outline the broad basis of sociological methods, considering the contribution this method has made or mig ht make and the criticism of health promotion, both in its methods and in its goals and objectives. 2,502

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ecopsychology Essay -- Religion Ecology Papers

Ecopsychology You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes no. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting- over and over announcing your place in the family of things. "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver Mary Oliver's (Clinebell, 1996, p.188) poem has a lot to say about the relatively new approach to conservation called ecopsychology. Ecopsychology combines the human element from psychology, with the study of how biological systems work together from ecology. A more in depth explanation of ecopsychology is that it seeks to help humans experience themselves as an integral part of nature (Strubbe 1997). When this is accomplished, humans can proceed to commit to "helping heal the earth, as well as healing ourselves" (Strubbe 1997, p. 293). In the past, environmental action has consisted of scaring and shaming those who over consume or do not recycle, which proved to be quite ineffective. Ecopsychology, in contrast, attempts to create positive and affirming motivations, derived from a bond of love and loyalty to nature (Bayland, 1995). Before tackling the principles, religious aspects, therapy, actions and education included in ecopsychology, it is essential to unde... ...ting a more earth-friendly human nature. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Mander, Jerry. (1991). In the Absence of the Sacred. San Francisco: Sierra Book Club. Miller, D. Patrick. (1994). The Voice of the Earth. The Sun, 220, 6-10. Roszak, Theodore (1995). Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. New York: Sierra Press. "My Shrink, My Sequoia" Self, September 1994. Spilner, Maggie. (1997). Connecting with Nature. Walker's World, 128-132. Strubbe, Bill. (1997). The World as Self, The Self as World. World & I. [Online], 12 (6), 12 pages. Available: http// [1998, September 10]. Tarkan, Laurie. (1997). Nurtured by Nature. Shape, 16 (7), 32. White, Jonathan (1994). The Unreturning Arrow. In Talking on Water: Conversations about Nature and Creativity. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Schoolchildren’s Blizzard Analysis Essay -- children’s blizzard, sn

â€Å"At 12:42 p.m. the air was perfectly calm for about one minute; the next minute the sky was completely overcast by heavy black clouds which, for a few minutes previous, had hung along the western and northwestern horizon, and the wind veered to the west and blew with such violence as to render the position of the observer on the roof unsafe. The air was immediately filled with snow as fine as sifted flour† (Potter). No one expected the blizzard that would soon come rolling over to create some of the unfortunate deaths. Now, the questions are what exactly happened during the storm, how are snowstorms created, and what damages it caused. On January 12, 1888, the Children’s Blizzard hits part of the Northwest Plains. This blizzard is also known as the Schoolchildren’s Blizzard or Schoolhouse Blizzard (Potter). The name is associated with schoolchildren’s because it was mostly children trying to go back home, that froze to death along their way. It was such a beautiful day, just like one of those days someone would have in April, that no one would have suspected such a bitter snowstorm to come. The blizzard came when a cold, arctic wind from Canada met with the winds that came from the south. Everyone, including the kids, were dressed up with short sleeves. Just like how somebody would wear on a hot, spring day. The air from Canada carried heavy snow and harsh winds along with it, causing the hurricane (Blizzard Brings Tragedy to Northwest Plains). The Children’s Blizzard hit both of South and North Dakota (back then in 1888, it was one territory), Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, causing lots of heartbroken and unexpected deaths (McLeod). â€Å"Temperature dropped from above freezing in many areas to well below z... ...izzard Brings Tragedy to Northwest Plains." A&E Television Networks, 12 Jan. 2007. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. NWS Internet Services Team. "Glossary - NOAA's National Weather Service."Glossary - NOAA's National Weather Service. National Weather Service, 25 June 2009. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. "What Is a Blizzard?" Weather Questions. Weather Questions, 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 03 Mar. 2014. "Snow Storms: What's a Blizzard." Forces of Nature: TQ 2000. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. . Laukaitis, Algis J. "The Blizzard of 1888 -- the Force of a White Hurricane -- Hit 125 Years Ago." JournalStar, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. "Snowstorms Throughout History." Kent Heating AAAHeatingAC. AAA Heating AC. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. "Blizzards." Blizzard. Oracle' ThinkQuest. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. The Schoolchildren’s Blizzard Analysis Essay -- children’s blizzard, sn â€Å"At 12:42 p.m. the air was perfectly calm for about one minute; the next minute the sky was completely overcast by heavy black clouds which, for a few minutes previous, had hung along the western and northwestern horizon, and the wind veered to the west and blew with such violence as to render the position of the observer on the roof unsafe. The air was immediately filled with snow as fine as sifted flour† (Potter). No one expected the blizzard that would soon come rolling over to create some of the unfortunate deaths. Now, the questions are what exactly happened during the storm, how are snowstorms created, and what damages it caused. On January 12, 1888, the Children’s Blizzard hits part of the Northwest Plains. This blizzard is also known as the Schoolchildren’s Blizzard or Schoolhouse Blizzard (Potter). The name is associated with schoolchildren’s because it was mostly children trying to go back home, that froze to death along their way. It was such a beautiful day, just like one of those days someone would have in April, that no one would have suspected such a bitter snowstorm to come. The blizzard came when a cold, arctic wind from Canada met with the winds that came from the south. Everyone, including the kids, were dressed up with short sleeves. Just like how somebody would wear on a hot, spring day. The air from Canada carried heavy snow and harsh winds along with it, causing the hurricane (Blizzard Brings Tragedy to Northwest Plains). The Children’s Blizzard hit both of South and North Dakota (back then in 1888, it was one territory), Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, causing lots of heartbroken and unexpected deaths (McLeod). â€Å"Temperature dropped from above freezing in many areas to well below z... ...izzard Brings Tragedy to Northwest Plains." A&E Television Networks, 12 Jan. 2007. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. NWS Internet Services Team. "Glossary - NOAA's National Weather Service."Glossary - NOAA's National Weather Service. National Weather Service, 25 June 2009. Web. 02 Mar. 2014. "What Is a Blizzard?" Weather Questions. Weather Questions, 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 03 Mar. 2014. "Snow Storms: What's a Blizzard." Forces of Nature: TQ 2000. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. . Laukaitis, Algis J. "The Blizzard of 1888 -- the Force of a White Hurricane -- Hit 125 Years Ago." JournalStar, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. "Snowstorms Throughout History." Kent Heating AAAHeatingAC. AAA Heating AC. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. "Blizzards." Blizzard. Oracle' ThinkQuest. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Childhood vs Adult Learning

————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- Childhood Versus Adulthood Learning ————————————————- ————————————————- ————————————————- Tricia Barnes ————————————————- COM/156 ———â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- January 19, 2012 ————————————————- John Likides ———————————————— There is no question about it, children and adults learn in different ways. The argument can be made about which one is better, and they are numerous schools of thought on the theories for each, but the bottom line is that there is a clear variation between how a child learns and how an adult learns. There is a vast importance for learning at both the childhood and adulthood levels. As a child, one must learn on more of a basic, survival mindset in order to overcome the challenges that are present in the first few years. Although, as an adult, the skills and cognitive abilities that were discovered as a child must be expanded and improved in order to meet the tasks appropriate for each growing age level. As a child, becoming familiar with different facts and ideas sets the groundwork for the knowledge that we hope to achieve as an adult. By establishing a good foundation, the process for learning as an adult can be adapted and improved upon to meet the progressing needs. The four main childhood learning heories are Maturationism, Environmentalism, Constructivist, and Stage-based Teaching. The four main adulthood learning theories are Life Experiences, Speck’s theory, Andragogy theory, and Jarvis’s learning process. Each one of these theories attempts to exemplify the processes and skill sets that each deems important to the learning process. One of the pertinent childhood learning theories, Maturationism, deals with the idea that the process by which we learn for the first couple of yea rs is based on markers in our DNA (Hunt, 1969). Most people in this school of thought believe that education and environmental factors merely plays a supportive role to child development, while certain instincts imbedded in our genes actually govern around what age we learn thing like how to talk or walk. These factors can be manipulated and intensified by outside factors, but the main governing fact behind early childhood development is based around a Darwin like evolutionary instinct. Many advocates of Maturationism believe that holding a child back or starting a child a year late for school may be more beneficial in the long run, because they child is not at the proper developmental maturity to be able to handle that level of information, exemplifying the idea that a mind can only handle the information that it is developed to receive (DeCos, 1997). Environmentalism is another theory at the forefront of child development. Environmentalism is in fact the contrast to Maturationism theory in that it supports the idea that a child’s development and learning is shaped by their environment and outside factors. The environmentalist theory enforces the idea of recitation and repeating, according to this theory, this is how children learn. By incorporating the outside experiences and storing them, they are able to build upon those ideas and improve upon them to learn (Skinner, 1938). It is deemed essential, and if a child is deprived of these factors, will not be as well educated or able to cope with higher learning as well as a child that was introduced to this Some argue that this is why children who come from enriched lifestyles are less likely to succeed in school as those who prepare better in infancy and young ages. Another key theory is that of Constructivistism. This theory provides that children are active learners in their education, and a child’s development is based on their motivation and abilities to seek out information (Atherton, 2010). In practice, this theory implements an active learning setting, allowing students to become involved in the learning, introducing toys such as puzzles or blocks that stimulate active interactions, thereby allowing the child to take a more participant attitude in their learning. Should a child encounter problems in their learning, this theory supports the idea of channeling the process into a one on one, and more individual learning secession in order to improve on those weaknesses. One big supporter of this theory is Jean Paiget, a very well noted child psychologist Paiget has provided countless studies and supports the fact that most of what a child learns at young ages is what they deem pertinent and important to them. In contrast to learning theories established for children, there are equally as many important to that of studying the learning process of adults. A major theory that is easily identifiable is that of the Life Experiences. Children display this theory to a degree, however, the lasting effects ten to be greater in adults. On an evolutionary basis, children use life experiences to know that falling down hurts, or to stay away from a dish once they realize it’s hot. These process are more involved on a cognitive level, and don’t play particular attention to an overall learning process. When you are a child and someone takes your toy or pushes you down, you don’t tend to be as upset or concerned, and it’s usually something that can be easily forgotten. As adults, the value of the lessons learned from life experiences tend to be much more significant, and therefore there is more emphasis on the learning applications of said methods (Lieb, 1991). For example, for most people it takes only getting robbed once to start locking up their belongings. In that sense, adults are not only able to draw from their own life experiences, but also of that as a society. For instance, there are many people who have never had a car accident, but barring laws, many would still choose to wear a seat belt, just due to the fact that is has been proven by other life experiences to be useful for saving lives and preventing injury In 1996, educational specialist Marsha Speck designed what is known as Speck’s Theory of adult education. This theory is a minor variation of the Constructivism learning theory more or less with the addition of ego in adult learners. The theory offers that an adult will only pursue learning that is significant to them in one way or another, but they should rely on peer support and not be fearful of judgment (Speck, 1996). As adult learners, they must also be shown the effect of their knowledge in an applicable setting, in most cases. Most children follow after ideas and concepts that make them happy, however adults often times cannot maintain that luxury. Therefore, to gain the knowledge necessary, an adult learner must be shown the impact. In the military, for example, often times there are many by gone traditions and customs that many are unable to identify with until they learn the importance and usefulness of the given information. The Andragogy theory is another theory that is relevant and in practice with the study of adult learning and professional development. In this theory, the main concern is process not product. It is stated that adults tend to value the experience and methodology over the actual content that they are left with at the end. By this process, emphasis is put on real world learning and role playing situation (Knowles, 1984). The idea of getting a student out of a classroom and into a situation where they can actually learn as they go along is said to have a better and more powerful impact then taking notes or reading the process from a book. For instance, most students in trade career fields in particular tend to exemplify this philosophy in the method of applying more hands on and internship training into their curriculum. Vocational-Technical schools demonstrate how, even at a learning level, students are able to grasp enough of a trade to be able to iron out their abilities through hands on applications. Another good illustration of this theory is in the military, whereby the majority of the training a given individual achieves comes not from their book based learning, but from real world on the job training. In this sense, the student is able to get immediate gratification and can see the importance of the concepts learned immediately. Both childhood learning theories and adulthood learning theories are important to every aspect. Depending on the subject being taught should govern the method behind which theory should be applied. To learn second languages, many adults approach this with a mindset very difficult to breakdown, and therefore many find it very difficult. Children, on the other hand, are able to grasp a second language far easier. The argument purposed by Maturationists would be that children have a predetermined timeline for how learning occurs, and therefore children searching for a way to communicate their thoughts are able to pick up on more than one language at time, as their minds are ripe for that form of knowledge (Hunt, 1969). The largest problem for adult learning is ego and close-mindedness. Most adults are just unable to get out of their own way in order to understand new topics. There are also differences in certain areas where adults are able to learn certain things at a much faster rate than children, and the most representation of this is in the life experiences theory. Children are able to learn simple concepts, but things like guilt, jealousy, and love are not things that children are able to grasp. These abstract emotions can’t be taught, even at a childhood level; instead they must be learned on an individual level, as the knowledge is not necessarily universal, but more individual. Overall, there are a number of different theories and concepts behind each level of development in an individual. By classifying them, it can be noted what works best and what can be altered. In this way, the living organism that is the education system is dynamically and constantly changing. By dissecting how children learn, it is possible to improve on how adults can pick up on aspects like learning a foreign language, and children are able to learn thing like team dynamics. The open-mindedness and new age looks at education have shown how many different ways there are to teach, no matter what your age or learning style. References DeCos, P. L. (1997, December). Readiness for kindergarten: What does it mean? Sacramento, CA: California Research Bureau, California State Library Atherton, J. S (2010) Piaget. Learning and Teaching; Piaget’s developmental theory. Retrieved July 29, 2010, from http://www. learningandteaching. info/learning/piaget. htm Hunt, J. M. (1969). The impact and limitations of the giant of developmental psychology. In D. Elkind & J. Flavell (Eds. ), Studies in cognitive development: Essays in honor of Jean Piaget. New York: Oxford University Press. Knowles, M. (1984). The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species (3rd Ed. ). Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing. Lieb, Stephen. (1991, Fall). Principles of adult learning. Vision. Retrieved July 28, 2010, from http://www. economist. com/china Skinner B F. (1938) The behavior of organisms: an experimental analysis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. Speck, M. (1996, Spring). Best practice in professional development for sustained educational change. ERS Spectrum, 33-41.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Outline and Evaluate Social Psychological Theories of Aggression

Social Learning Theory Social Learning Theory is based on the fact that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. Social learning theory explains human behaviour in terms of continuous mutual interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences. Outline of research: Bobo Doll experiment The Bobo doll experiment was conducted by Bandura and studied patterns of behaviour associated with aggression. Bandura carried out this study to look at social learning, where people learn through imitation.He used children, because they generally have less social conditioning. Bandura wanted to expose children to adult models exhibiting either aggressive or nonaggressive behaviours. Then, in a new environment without the adult model, he wanted to observe whether or not the children imitate these adult model aggressive or nonaggressive behaviours. Evaluation of Research 1. Cause and effect can be established as it could be demonstrated that the model did have an effect on the child's resulting behavior because all variables other than the IV are being controlled. . Artificial as hitting a doll isn’t the same as hitting a person, as there is no evidence that young children intend to harm bobo in modeling experiments. 3. The bobo doll experiments are reliable as many other studies support the fact that children learn by imitating others. Outline of research: Family background of aggression Patterson’s study was conducted using interviews and questionnaires and comparing families with at least one highly aggressive child to other families. His findings suggested that a coercive home enviroment may cause aggressiveness.This is an enviroment which little affection is shown as they don’t use social reinforcement they use punishment and shouting and other aggressive tactics for behavioural control. Evaluation of Research: 1. Has high ecological Validity as it relates to real life situations. 2. the research is base d on long-term influences on aggression, which therefore shows that it’s more useful then studies which look at short term influences. 3. real life situations, not all variables can be controlled which could effect the behaviours which therefore means cause an effect are not conclusive.Overall Evaluation of the theory 1. It has a lot of support from laboratory experiments such as the Bobo doll series of studies. However it lacks ecological validity and this does reduce the theory’s ability to clarify real life aggression. 2. Real life research such as Patterson demonstrates that role models are important in the development of anti-social behaviour. Therefore theses studies support the SLT. 3. Lacks population validity as the key studies are done with children as the main participants so cannot be linked to older people. DeindividuationDeindividuated people are more likely to be aggressive because of a loss of individuality which leads to reduced self-restraint. Deindiv iuation is the loss of self awareness and sense of personal responsibility, people normally avoid acting in a aggressive manners partly as it’s seen as vulgar behaviour an as they are identifiable to society. However being anonymous in a crowd means reducing inner restraints and increasing behaviours that are usually inhibited, Studies such as Zimbardo have provided evidence that deindividuation can be an explanation for aggression.Outline research evidence: Zimbardo Zimbardo aimed to try and find if anonymity was a key factor in deindividuation. In an experiment very similar to Milgrams – he found that in his anonymous group they gave twice as many shocks as high control group even when told the learner was critical. He then concluded that anonymity was the reason for this and it lead to that groups added aggression. Evaluation of research 1. Could be said that neither study actually measures physical aggression as the participants do not physically harm each other. . Because it is not a real life situation participants may not behave in there natural and usual way, meaning it lacks ecological validity. 3. Does not show whether the uniform worn is important to behaving aggressively which raises questions as to whether it is another factor. Outline research evidence Football Hooliganism, which was where Marsh investigated the crowds of football fans to establish whether their high level of excitement and anonymity lead to deindividuation and aggression.From this experiment Marsh concluded that aggression is one of the norms of the group, as group membership is likely to lead to aggressive behaviour, however it can also be controlled aggression. Overall Evaluation of Evidence: 1. Because it is not a real life situation participants may not behave in there natural and usual way, meaning it lacks ecological validity 2. Deindividuation means one tends to abandon personal control. The results of the research could be taken to imply that deindividuatio n can increase conformity to certain social norms and its high levels of conformity to a group rather than itself, which leads to aggression. . Evidence shows that it does not always lead to aggression, which is a difficulty as its not always true. General Points All three have good supporting evidence and so they have reliability in explaining aggression. The theories all focus on social psychology and tend to underestimate and ignore the other possibilities for the aggression such as biological influences.References: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bobo_doll_experiment http://www. learning-theories. com/social-learning-theory-bandura. html http://psy. ex. ac. uk/~tpostmes/PDF/05deindividuation. pdf

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Buyers Guide On Men Shirts Fashion Essay

Work force ‘s shirts are garments worn by work forces on the upper organic structure. They do non mention to innerwear or outerwear. Shirting cloths can be natural fibres such as cotton, linen, wool, silk, and ramee or man-made fibres such as cellulose xanthate, polyester, nylon, and lyocell. Shirts come in assorted manners of neckbands, arms, organic structure, length, shirt turnups, cervixs and pockets. Types of work forces ‘s shirtsWork force ‘s shirts are available in assorted designs, forms and manners. Some of the most common types of work forces ‘s shirts are:Camp shirts: These shirts are free, cut consecutive, and short sleeved. The neckband is level as is portion of the shirt. The neckband is called â€Å" cantonment neckband † , â€Å" exchangeable neckband † or â€Å" serrate neckband † .Dress shirt: A shirt with long arms and turnups, a neckband and buttons running along a full length opening from the neckband to the bottom hem. Normally worn as formalwear, dress shirts are worn with a tie under suits or jackets. Tapered frock shirts provide a snugger tantrum.Tee shirt: Besides known as Jerseies, these shirts are chiefly insouciant wear. They are normally made of stretchy, finely knit fabric such as cotton or cotton/viscose blends, and have short arms. They can be obviously, printed or with mottos and advertisement. Tee shirts are wor n with a cantonment shirt or by themselves. Types of tee shirts are:Ringer Jerseies: have a neckband and sleeve turnup made out of a different cloth from the chief shirt.One-half shirts: have a high hem, and make merely above the waist go forthing the middle uncovered.Construction shirts ( A-shirt or vest ) : have big armholes and a unit of ammunition cervix hole to let better mobility. Popular amongst jocks and labour workers, these shirts are besides popular manner statements in funk manner.Polo shirt ( tennis shirt or golf shirt ) : This is a short sleeved, collared shirt with a short button placket at the cervix. The forepart is shorter than the dorsum and the cloth is of soft texture. It is really comfy wear for warm yearss. Types of Polo shirts are:Rugby shirt: is a polo shirt with long arms traditionally made of rugged cloth but comes in softer stuffs now.Henley shirt: is a collarless Polo shirt.Baseball shirt ( New Jersey ) : This shirt is characterized by three one-fourth l ength arms, a level waist seam, crew cervix or V-neck, and a squad badge or logo.Sweatshirt: This long sleeved shirt is normally made of somewhat heavy stuff such as knit cotton. It can hold a goon and is available in slipover and zip down manner.Night shirt: Night shirts are loose comfy tantrums suited for kiping. They come in many forms and prints.Work force ‘s shirt parts and their typesWork force ‘s shirts come in a assortment of manners. They are distinguished by the:Neck: The cervix of a shirt can be:Turtleneck: has a high close-fitting neckbandV-shaped: comes with or without collarOpen or tassel cervix: has cords to bind togetherWindsor or spread neckband: is a dressy neckband with infinite for the Windsor knot tie ( formalwear )Tab neckband: comes with two fabric checks that fasten to continue the collar spread under a tieFlying neckband: comes with formal shirts that need a bow tieStraight neckband or point neckband: has a smaller collar spread for half-Windsor knot tiesButton-down neckbands: have buttons that fasten the points of the neckband to the shirtBand neckband: is the lower portion of a regular neckbandTurtleneck neckband: is high and covers most of the cervixBody: The organic structure of a shirt can hold:A perpendicular gap that is fastened with buttons or a nothingno gap – pulled over the caputSleeves: The arms of work forces ‘s shirts can be short ( cap or half ) , full length, sleeveless or three 4th lengths.Cuffs: Full length arms can hold assorted types of turnups:Closed placket turnup: has no buttonsButton turnup: has a individual button or brace along the turnup hemBarrel turnup: has multiple buttons perpendicular to the turnup hemGallic turnup: has four buttons for cufflinks and one half of the turnup folds over the otherLink turnup: has buttons for cufflinks, and the turnup is hemmed to the arm borderLength of shirt: Work force ‘s shirts can be short to bare the middle, waist length, or hip length.Oth er features: Work force ‘s shirts can hold multiple pockets – with or without flaps, buttons or nothings ; and goons. Shirt makers come up with new designs every twenty-four hours. Many shirt designs and cloths are seasonal. Shirts come in assorted colourss and sizes that are measured otherwise across states.